All Your Questions, Answered
If you have any questions about our services, you can find all the answers below. In case your question hasn’t been answered, you can drop us a line.
Most of our customers prefer service once a week. Other service schedules are available; if you would like to know more about service more or less often than once a week, please call us.
Yes, in order to prevent the spread of infectious canine viruses, we sanitize all equipment and tools after each visit with a broad-spectrum disinfectant.
Yes. Dogs keep making their messes all year long, and our company continues to clean up and remove dog waste through the winter. Some customers prefer to put service on hold for the cold months, although there will be a first-time cleanup fee the following spring.
We’ll work in most weather, but heavy rain, snow, or a declared State of Emergency can stop us. If icy roads will not allow travel and there is snow and/or ice, we will postpone that day’s service until your next service day or sooner, if conditions allow.
If there is an extreme weather condition, reasons beyond our control, or payment issues that will prevent us from completing that week’s work, we will follow up the following week to clean your yard. The previous week, however, will not be credited due to our workload being doubled when we return.
We do not work the following days:
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
Yes. Since employees are not to climb or jump over fences, please have your gate unlocked on your service day. If we get to your house and the gate is locked with no access, you may still be charged for the visit. You can provide us with a key to the lock or tell us the combination if that will be convenient for you.
In most cases, yes. We get along well with dogs: however, there are some cases when a dog will not let our worker into the yard. If you know that your dog is not good with strangers, or it becomes apparent that your dog will not allow us to clean the yard, then we ask that you restrain or confine that dog. We don't want to take unnecessary risks with your dog or our employees.
You can let us know in advance if you need us to skip your yard that week, but you may be charged the bi-weekly fee when service resumes the following week. If the dog is gone from the yard for a couple of weeks, or for some other reason, you need us to skip your yard for a day or more; we can hold service.
There may be another first-time cleanup fee if your dog has remained in the yard and service has been skipped for three or more weeks. If your gate is locked or the dog will not allow us to clean the yard, it may be necessary to charge for the service call that could not be completed.
We set up automatic payments with your debit or credit card number.
No, we can start and stop your service over the phone. We do not require contracts, we know you'll love our service, and there is no minimum service period. There is no advance notice required to cancel service; however, if you stop service after receiving only your 1st cleanup, there will be a one-time cleanup charge for that visit.
There may be an extra charge for the first service if there has been a lot of accumulation of waste over time.
Sure! One-time-only or short-term service may be easily arranged.
There may be a slightly higher charge for very large yards (over the typical 1/2 acre size yard).
If our employees can't see the mess due to unreasonably tall grass or leaves, they can't clean it.
Delivering Excellence
We focus on delivering precise and excellent work to each of our clients. At Canine Cleanup, we constantly strive to meet all our client’s expectations and exceed them.
We are fully aware that we stake our success on the quality of service that we provide each time. And to this end, we consistently work extremely hard to gain our customer’s trust.
Reliable, high-quality service has and always will be our top priority.

Offering Accountability
Besides reliability, we also aim to provide you service that you find credible, and you can hold us accountable if you find anything unsatisfactory.
We strive to provide perfect service, but if there is ever a time when our service is not completely satisfactory, please let us know right away. We will make it right, either by coming back to re-clean the yard the same day or the next day or by crediting your account so you won't be charged.
Get in touch with us today to learn more.